I have been guided to the Hindu scriptures. From the very beginning of the Vedas there are references to that of the sanctity of the bull and cow and the reverence of this group toward this animal. But yet why this animal? Reason being is that the religion came into being in the age of Taurus but more so than religion than that of what is termed “civilization”. The time when mankind moved toward agriculture. A shift in the paradigm of the age. In this age mankind began to seek eternity and was the first step as he began to move away from a mere animal nature. For it was also the age of Adam and Eve.

From finishing the Vedas and coming to the Upanishads and with the understanding written in the book’s passages, “Who have I not been”, I read, “Verily in the beginning this was Brahman, that Brahman knew self only, saying, “I am Brahman.” From it all , this sprang thus, whatever Deva was awakened, he in deed became that, and the same with Rishis and men. The Rishi Vamadeva saw and understood it, singing, “I was Manu, I was the sun.” Therefore, now also he who thus knows that he is Brahman, becomes all this and even the Devas cannot prevent it, for he himself is their self.”

The Devas are functionally equivalent of angles who serve God in Judean-Christian tradition, although one should take note that the Judeo-Christian God, Jehovah, was originally only one of the three middle-eastern gods and only later became one God by the way of Abraham. (a braham; Brahamn is a priest of Hinduism)

It is ever so clear now as why the leaders of the “world” religions make statements like that of: “Only the Bible is inspired by God”, “Other religions are false and not of truth”, “Stick to your own religion for others will lead you into hell”. For organizations show themselves to be of the world and not spiritual, for the spirit unites but the world separates, for it acts as animals keeping their group in discord with each other, so as to do what and for what other reason, except for the delusion created by the evil genius. That which is of the same essence as government and governments are in want of control and to maintain control, they need a mass and to keep their mass they must breed pride which gives account to hatred. Think not that organizations of the world have different pursuits, for organizations are of the same world and are therefore one and the same. For if mankind would rise to humanity and see each other as brother and sister and let go of their separations, they would no longer be able to be controlled. For scriptures were written by those who were seeing spiritual truth and truth is truth and even though there is no difference in spiritual truth, the experience that one goes through to obtain it is a different process. Two people from different families, different environments, different cultures, different traditions, and different geographies went to seek the spirit and as each one searched and found they stated:

“Mind comes from earth, breath of water, speech of fire…(Creation)”

“You created me out of fire while you created him of mud(earth\mind)”



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