If scripture does not come to you in your native language, then there is already a deficiency. I tell you that if you are solely relying on scripture written by another, then for sure there is a deficiency. It is one thing to read scripture for seeds of ideas and thoughts that it might give, but to believe it emphatically is unwise. For the spirit gives you your scripture within you very being. But in order to see, hear and understand it, one must let go of the countless preoccupations in this world. For the scripture is given in a whisper and it cannot be heard so long as we willingly want a mass of noise pollution. And so here, I give you scripture, in your own language, your native tongue.
richardtdukesThe Archetype Algorithm, The Rod and Ichabod#2012, #222, #algorithm, #aquarian, #AquarianGospel, #archetype, #archetypeAlgorithm, #beyondmind, #christ, #evolution, #growth, #humanity, #india, #interface, #newage, #sealedbooks, #sperma, #spirit, #spiritual, #spirituality, #vegan, #yoga, #zodiac