In order to discern the reason for talking in parables and the move away from ambiguity, it is to be made clear that since the only ones to find this information are the ones who are searching for the spirit, then the information may be given without uncertainty. “For when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it should not be, then you will know the end of time is at hand.”
With knowledge of who and what I am and that it is not based upon a single or a one, but that of acceptance, identification of the spirit, it must be known that when I disseminate this information, I am not talking of self but of the collective of those others who have come to the understanding that they too are spirit.
Meaning: I and the spirit are one. I am presence. I am the son/daughter of a spiritual god. Therefore, it is not for us to stand where we should not be. It is, for those who understand, an abomination for there to be the desolation of the spirit within this vessel of mankind that will bring it to humanity. Yet where is it that we should not be standing? ‘I tell you beware those people who stand in tall and high places, to be seen by others, for they have received their reward.” It is not for those who are spirit to be leaders of others, to be before assembled crowds orating. We go through the movement of life imparting the spirit at every chance that presents itself. For I have been asked why am I not standing before the crowds and my reply is one of; “You do not what to see the day you are saying I should be doing.” And yet others say, “But a leader of this type needs to appear to guide people in the right direction.” Yet one who is truly of the spirit will never desire to be a leader of people. For the spirit works upon the individual and not the individual upon the mass. It is desire and vanity to direct the course of others because they are seen as sheep without a Shepard. We are to be concerned for what is right and wrong in our own lives and not others.
For this is the forbidden fruit. To partake in exerting ones will upon another as to what is right and what is wrong, in their personal place in life. For was it not the fruit eaten that cast us out of Eden, eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? One ate of it and gave it to another to eat of it and the perpetuation of this act has continued from that time until now and is still continuing on. If we refrain from eating that fruit as well as do not give it to others, we can once again return to Eden, the garden.