Two days past the full moon. On this evening, I went out to sit under the stars and as I gazed into the heavens, behold!, there appeared from the north a horse that was red and he that sat upon it has been given the power to take peace from the earth and mankind will now begin to kill one another for there has been given unto him a great sword.

To be of the spirit is to understand the interconnections to the totality. To be of the spirit is to know what needs to be done and when to do it. This is only possible when the root of self-desire has been removed, to have peace of mind and quietness of surrounding in order to hear.

If there is thought toward something and conviction does not grab hold to you firmly then it is not to be done.

I have been contemplating about traveling to India. I know it would be nice to be there when I arrive but the drive is not there. It would be nice to go but if I do not then that will be ok as well. However, what has taken hold of me firmly is the thought of taking leave of my job. My mind is wanting peace, that dealing with this routine occurrence is not allowing it to have. Which also goes back to having peace of mind and quietness, to be able to listen. Everything at the moment is directed toward working on getting the next passages available, as well as the coming 2012.

With knowledge of the spiritual self, I can no longer be a mindless servant or that of an ignorant child, constantly asking for direction from the totality of the spirit. For this is the worth of humanity, to know what it is to be done without the need for direction from a personality of the spirit.

It is the knowledge and vision that every good ending will come through un-biased, un-conditional, self-sacrificing love and the task to be completed is the giving of this knowledge and act. For I am finding, now days, that the answers are becoming ambiguous. I find myself asking for guidance and I receive it but it is one of un-surety. For example, when I was contemplating my travel to India, I asked, “If I see reference to that area, I will go.” I did receive reference to the area but in the form that the people from that area where here and not there. I understood this and so decided that was not where I needed to go but felt that this continent was the place. And the next day, I was handed information on just that.

Let those that can see, see.

Let those that can hear, hear.

Let those that can know, know.

Let those that can feel, feel.

You know the way.

Take it.

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