I received a letter the other day from Eugene, telling me that someone we use to know had died while serving their country, in its ideology of war. He said how honored he was to have known him and how his funeral was one of sadness in his passing but now at his death he is honored. What other reply could I have given but…

Freedom. I understand your subversion. The number of us who are given seeds of spiritual understanding at the beginning of conception are the most rare and other ones who make it their care in this life are still in the few. So the largest percentage of the mass runs on programming, input into us, by exertion of size and strength. It is the animalism of mankind that causes them to believe in the acts of physical force to overcome difficulties. Yet for those who are of the spirit, every worthy ending comes by gentleness. It is the worldly who exact and eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth, who hate their enemies and return wrong for wrong. Yet for those who are of the spirit, they bless those who do them wrong, love their enemies, and return good for evil. For if you only love those who love you or if you only do good to those who do good to you, then what worth are you? For even the wicked do such a thing. But if you are of worth, the salt of the earth, then you will show yourselves to be true children of god. For if you love your life to the point that you are willing to protect it before another, then you have already lost it. Do you think God does not know what is truly in your heart? To choose the precepts of government over the precepts of god. To choose the care for country over the care for christ. How long will we hear the words and still not make them truth? You cannot serve god and man. You cannot ride two different horses going in opposite directions, at the same time.



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