I have posed the question: “Is it better to remove suffering from another life by you bearing sin or to allow another to suffer while you abstain from sin?”

But is not being selfish, a placing of our need before another, sin in itself? At present, it seems that the majority of current mentality is without absolutes. For the reply to the question is not “yes” or “no” but “that it is hard to say so.” Only more dualities and dichotomies. “It depends” is the statement given. “It depends on what?” I ask. “It depends on the situation; one cannot say for another. As the saying goes about walking a mile in another shoes.” is the answer. This is where the deficiency lies. At present the individual is looking at the mass rather than the individual looking at themselves. While you are looking at another rather than your own, there is no absolute. You cannot answer the question for another. You cannot answer a question for another. But “you” were asked the question. “You” were asked, not to give a general answer that pertains to the mass. “You” are not being asked to answer for another but only for yourself.

Life is to be one of personal absolutes in the knowledge of truth. For if it is not then it is a life of doubts. “It depends on the situation. One cannot say for another. The old saying about walking a mile in someone else shoes.” The response is only to hide the unknown answer of knowing self. So, is it better to remove suffering from another life by bearing sin or to allow another to needlessly suffer while you abstain from sin? But is not placing your need before another, being selfish, and is not selfishness sin in itself?



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