In honor of crossing the date line, the ship held a bar-be-queue on the bow of the ship at eighteen hundred hours. The crew, officers and passengers all ate together. Much meat was cooked on the grill but there was rice, potatoes, pickles and bread for the vegetarian on board. Beer and cokes were supplied along with apples and pears for dessert, if you still had room in the old stomach.

Graham sat with the first, second and third mates from the Philippines and Scott and I sat with the crew from engineering along with the apprentice. They all are a fun loving, nice bunch of guys and of course all have their own, not stereotypically German, personalities, they are individuals.

After eating, we had the chance for the second time since the start of the trip, to see the supposed green flash at the setting of the sun. Scott and I watched for it; he saw it but I of course did not. When he announced that it was apparent, I told him that all I saw was a shaded square on the horizon. Scott told me that it might just be that fact that I have not walked far enough, that may be true. He also said that maybe I do not know myself well enough, that I am not so sure about.

What do I know myself as? I am a humble servant of the Father of the Spirit. I am one who does not wish to offend, one who desires to hold no possessions, one who believes in individually more that society norms, one who thinks that taking of a plant that bears no fruit or vegetable with seeds is as damaging as the slaughter of an animal and one who is looking to serve others before myself. Scott may have meant that I do not know what my place is to be in this life and that is of the truth which I am searching for. Scott also said that maybe I did not see the green flash because I have a disbelief, this too if feel could be right, yet I ask you, even though I have never seen the green flash, how may persons have seen the sun upon setting become an orange shaded square? Since it has happened yet again, I am compelled to write it down.

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