Once again, I was being pursued. In the beginning I was unable to outmaneuver or outrun the material mass that pursued me because everywhere I touched, it was able to detect and once again found me. So once realizing this, I began my movement above the earth where it could not follow, not as though flying but as though spinning webs, as a spider. But then I found myself in a mall with my brother Peter. We had bought much from someone selling articles from South America. Peter had become unhappy with his purchase and so after much walking we returned in order to try and return what had been bought. As we waited for our turn, we listened to the individual talk to others about his business experience, from behind his advertisement screen. When our time came, Peter leaned behind the screen and said he would like to return what had been bought. After much discussion that individual decided he would take them back at a price of 2 for 1. Then he arose and wanted to show us something. We followed him to a restroom where the walls were covered with pornographic material. As I stood using the facilities, in came another and stood beside me but this one would not stop laughing and kept wetting me with his urine. The one who had brought us in acted as though he had come over to help and pulled him away but as we were walking out, he was also laughing like the other and kept turning him around toward me, wetting me with his urine. So I took hold of them both and at the start of doing them harm, I removed myself from the situation. Then I found Peter and myself in the middle east, in a place of conflict. Peter was at his post with a gun and beside him was his supervisor. I took a seat beside the road and was mentally telling Peter to not partake in such violent action. Then a small boy came down from the mountain and asked me if I wanted water, I replied no. Then he asked me if I wanted a wife, I replied no and that I was in need of nothing. He looked at me strangely then with great happiness, ran away. I arose and walked to an area of a town and I was painting a section of the street black, where I was standing. Just as I finished, there approached a procession of cars, coming toward me and had come to me because they had been informed by the boy. Many men got out of the cars and one came toward me with a small club in his hand. He was attempting to threaten me, saying I claimed to be the father, to which I denied this statement. I would not allow him to make me angry and kept saying words of kindness and for him to do what he must. He then broke down crying in my arms and asked me to pray for his father. I said of course I would. Then there approached external authorities from the U.S. Military, which their presence in a country that was not their own was causing conflict, through the exertion of their military. When the man that was with me saw their approaching flashing lights, he told me that we must leave. He was hastily directing me toward a vehicle but the authorities arrived before we left. The military men got out and tension filled the air. I looked at the ones who had just arrived and knew them a people from my native land and gave them smiles and hellos. They however did not respond but were on guard against threat. As everyone was watching each other, one of the military men from the US and I saw a gun in the back of one of the vehicles, owned by one for the natural residents of the land. This caused panic and he went for the gun and I went for him. He grabbed the gun, I grabbed him and the gun, shots were fired and then there was silence. I told everyone to put down their weapons as I was still holding the man and the gun, which I was pointing up in the air. I looked around and noticed that one from this land had been shot and my heart sank. I questioned those military men and their actions. I took the gun away from the man I was restraining and handed it over to the officer of the highest rank. As the now unrestrained man saw the one who had been shot, he came to understanding and we all walked the streets in peace. As I walked through the streets, I found I was walking then with Sevgilim. As we walked, we passed a young man standing on the corner with a young boy. We passed and the young man began following us, trying to get Sevgilim’s attention. I told him she was not interested in his advances. However, he did not wish to hear my words. So I asked her, before him, if she would like to go with him or to stay with me. She replied she was happy with me. He then became angry and started saying unneeded words directed toward her. I turned to him, said his name loudly in the streets and said, “Kichaka, I am Mohammad Richard, do you think the people of this town do not know you?” Everyone turned around and gazed at him then went back to their business. He remained quiet and I awoke, but before I did, there was a thought of India.



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