It is difficult to know where to begin, so let us begin at present. Tonight, is the full moon of the winter solstice. As the moon rises, Mercury is following close behind, as though chasing it across the sky. With this event comes a new era, which is an ending of the current solar cycle. Meaning death and rebirth of the sun. Now coming back to me is my vision of my separation unto which i ran toward the pit and jumped in, then let go, only to find myself before a sphere that was dark yet was swirling fire. I have been being pulled to paint this vision and was drawn close these past two days. And now comes the knowledge of the solar cycle and this brings remembrance of my vision, this happens on the day of the full moon, which only weeks before, i saw a portent in the sky of the dragon star, while all this happens during the time of my fast and all this deals with the second coming, rebirth, the coming end of this section of writing and the new understanding of the Aquarian Archetype. All this comes during a time of not just fasting from food but from the consumption of energy, electric and gas. And on this day before i had come to this understanding, i awoke feeling finally refreshed and rejuvenated, i warmed myself by the fireplace then went and scrubbed myself down fully, ridding myself of the dead skin and soot from the fire place and with the thought of cleansing and purification. Then i placed upon my burial garments and spent the day upon the contemplation and meditation of christ, the spirit, the coming age and the archetype. Now i am presented with this knowledge before me…

I can deny nothing, since this path started. I have not been able to turn back from the plow nor do i think i had ever had the desire to do so. And all this on the eve of the eve of what is christmas day. The day initially of the birth of the pagan sun god and later set as the day as the birth of christ, the son of GOD. In any case, the birth of the Sun of GOD. I remembered that fork in the road. The one that lead to Jerusalem and the other to Sevgilim. The path to Jerusalem was one of great tribulation and suffering, but not for me but mankind. While the other was a life of coming to more fully understand LOVE and this allowed for more time and postponement of that suffering, so others may come to understand and move toward the spirit. Which brings me back to my vision again, where i was before i found myself separated and a part of myself was put aside and the other became my identity. And this time my identity put away thoughts and considerations and i found myself waiting for someone and the one i was waiting for was Sevgilim. Which is what exactly i am doing now, waiting for her return. The vision has come to completeness, for this day was the fulfillment of that and this day is the fulfillment of an era. New rebirth with clear direction. What i have been giving, that i have received from the spirit is coming back to my ears.

I see the path that lies before me and how now comes the separation of mankind and humanity. We are missing so much trying to see with our carnal eyes and understand with our carnal mind. In four more years it will be 2012 and in that same span, my age will have reached 40 years, … the time it takes for something to reach fruition. –Mem; water; Aquarius.

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