Yet still the inspirations and intuition come. There is much talk about the coming of the year 2012 and its ending of calendars and various writings of different cultures touch on this date. Many believe it is another DOOMS day and the ending of the world. While others believe that it will mark a change in the mass consciousness. But no matter which side one finds themselves on, it is viewed as a change of biblical proportions. And with my thoughts on this, i received yet another vision and it was as such…

A leader stood on the bridge of his ship, which was before an unknown object that contained thought. And while he was looking at and studying this thing, his officers were working with technological research tools, to try and come to some understanding of the thing. As they were pushing buttons, trying to probe, the entity put is mind over theirs and began making them push on the table, then each other and then they began to fight. The leader noticing this ran over and put himself between the two officers fighting, then the entity caused the leader to fall asleep and when he awoke, his officers were no longer fighting but friendly and happy and others were appearing from behind a door that was to something like an escalator. The whole picture was perfect but the leader would not accept this scene. He had remembered the before and the life and to him, his officers and the others were artificial and he did not believe his eyes…

For them who have the mind to understand, let them understand.

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