Sevgilim has gone to Turkieye to sell her house and buy us one located on the Med. Something i have always longed for and it has also come to pass…?

While she has been gone, i have been fasting. For the first three days, all was well but today was the day of dominance. I went to my work, after getting up early to help deliver a truck we had used to move a friend, back to the drop off location. Upon arriving, all the electricity was off and the environment was without its technology. I arrived at work and apologized to some co-workers for my thrashing of them but it was on the grounds of my distaste for perpetuating hate. Then the craving began to set in and the weakness of the flesh began to whine and demand that i serve it. It cast upon me its manifestations of hunger, weakness and headaches. As i was at work with tasks before me, i could not devote my thoughts to the spirit and so the body gained more footage. Finally, i left my job and came to my dwelling place. I began to meditate and got some sun and slowly the spirit began to enter into my mind and slowly my physical cravings and attacks began to subside and my thoughts became purer and more spiritual. I meditated more and looked upon myself with clarity and i saw that my countenance was angry and an angry attitude without must be removed by gentleness, peace and love from within. Any beneficial change that will come will come through kindness. The sweet incense of a holy life will do away with ignorance and intolerance more than the hardest blow. It came to me how Immanuel and had gone into the temple with a whip in hand and drove out those ungodly people but after that had been done, his teaching turned to the true temple of GOD and the kingdom of heaven. All of which are within you. He was told that his mother and family were wanting to see him and he replied that his family were those who served the will of GOD and he no longer went to the temples but went out unto those where were still searching and those who found no light in the current religion. You cannot put new wine into old wine skins. So now much has come to a close. The flesh has been overcome and made subservient to the spirit. The lack of fasting in the current day, so that more people will see, with clarity, the weakness of the flesh, in it cravings and desires, and as well see the strength of the spirit, in its purity and energy, keeps mankind in the deficiency, polarized to the animal kingdom. The ink well that i have been using to write this section of scripture has run dry and will last not much longer as well as the notebook, which only has five pages left. Also ended is a bias attachment to a family whose bond is built on blood and not the spirit. And with all this, on this very day, i thought it a good idea, received by inspiration, to lay under the canopy of the heavens and look into the depths of space and vastness. And what extremely auspicious event occurred? But before my eyes, a comet souring, having to be the first in my life. (ink has ended)

Comets are known to be celestial omens and with this day of spiritual understanding and the vision having been received, this day marks the day of a beginning and a birth. Birth into a new world and a new life. One guided by peace, kindness and love. The birth and the creation, the continual development of an archetype for humanity. A life that is to be lived as an example for the children of man and woman. To once again embrace the attributes of the feminism and let it begin to balance out the brute, unbridled strength and force of man. For there must be an integration of these two. Man being might and the woman is nurturance and a child with a balance of these is love. This spiritualized being has the strength to overcome and create all things, but it is done with knowledge that is illuminated by love. But in this new era, that will bring about the creation of this child of the spirit, there will also be that which shall come to destroy it.

For a great portent appeared in the sky, a woman clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet and upon her head was a crown of twelve stars. She was to have a son and she cried out with pain and agony in giving birth to it. And another portent appeared in the sky. There was a great dragon with seven heads and ten horns, with seven diadems on it’s head. His tail swept away one third of the stars in the heaven. The dragon stood forth, before the woman who was to give birth, in order to devour the child.

And on this day of renewal and rebirth, this is the comet that comes from the mythical eye of Medusa, in the constellation of Pursues, also known as the daemon or dragon star, which is considered the most unfortunate star in the sky.

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