After once again beginning the process of working upon myself, it appears that my conversations have once again began. Yet rather than trying to drive others with a scourge, the discussions are based upon ideas, beliefs and knowledge. Mostly beginning with defining the definitions of how each of us uses those words in our application. I am seeing more and more the crux of mankind, with most of my validation of my understanding coming from Hansel. It is apparent now that at present, the majority are without the process of thought. Not that they are unable but that they are not wanting. And so without this process the evil genius, who does think, but only about what will be a benefit to self, utilized the fact to the detriment of the masses upon themselves. In their quest for power and greed, they fill the mind with stumbling blocks from the point of conception, for if they have successfully disillusioned the parents from what is possible, how much easier will it be to do that to the children and from generation after generation, their power and greed in the world grows, while the earth and its inhabitants grow more and more ill and weak. Is not this very time an example clearly made?

Look at our air, our water, our hospitals; running over with disease. And yet the evil genius of the world is not to have the finger pointed at it. For we have all we need to have, for our benefit and enlightenment, placed before us. The truth is not withheld from anyone, it is not clouded in mystery and mysticism, it is the simplest thing that there is. So many in this day and age equate faith to believing in that which you cannot see. And i ask them to define what is meant by the fact that, if someone cannot see what are they? The answer i am given is that they are blind. And then i ask, what then is their understanding of the scriptures that the blind will go down with the blind? And the understanding of worth and the no worth and that faith is not blind expectance but absolute knowledge. For the kingdom of heaven cannot be see with carnal eyes and none enter but the pure of heart.

We are all capable of entering the kingdom of heaven and in every scripture, there is a sign to show the way. And yet mankind’s greatest deficiency is that they take their so-called religion and build their home on the path, making it hard for others to continue on the way. Religion as we know it today, in any form is merely a stepping stone that should point us in a direction and from there, we should move forward ever in transcendence and evolution of worldly organizations. Religion of today is a secular understanding of a spiritual idea and the two cannot be taken in hand together.

You have one group saying that their religious scriptures are inspired by God and what does the other group say but the same thing. When what really needs to be done is to look at these scriptures, these writings for what they truly are. And what are they?

They are the writings of individuals who are reaching up to a spiritual GOD in order to understand the world that exists around them. And anyone who takes this task upon themselves and endeavors to have their spirit looketh upward is one who will be inspired by inspiration and intuition and if they should so write these inspirations and intuitions down, that they have been inspired by, then is not that writing inspired by GOD or rather the spirit? Is it only that hundreds or yet thousands of years ago, that only a select group of individuals where chosen to receive the spiritual word? For nothing has changed from then until today in regards to mankind. For in the past, those who truly sought the spirit and the path and understanding, it brought the ones that received inspiration and so it is today. For it is not for a spiritual GOD to give to one who asks and not to another who also asks. So yes, the Torah, Gospels, Koran, Vedas, Sutras and others were all inspired. For they were written by and about those whose priority was the understanding of the spirit. Is it not unwise to dismiss the contents of a treasure, when you have never set eyes upon it before, never looked therein? It is because of this lack of understanding that has been programmed into the minds of most that there remains a deficiency and hole in the whole of humanity.

For you have your modern-day Sadducees and Pharisees, who know not their own scriptures and yet also sow the seeds of division, stating that it is only our book that has worth. For I tell you that if someone tells you not to read something, when it comes to scriptures, then it is the very thing that you should read.

So in an attempt to understand their existence, different groups, from different cultures and thoughts, wrote down their creation story and kept track of the lineage of their ancestors and without the ability to explain natural cause and effects of habits and lifestyles, they make them sins because they did not have the “science”, but they still had the capacity to observe action and reaction. And rather than laws derived from a constitution or declaration, that were created for so called society, they were given commands to follow for their so-called society. The books are history before the dismissal of GODs in everyday life. And yet the beauty of them all is that they are the path to understand the spirit and all should be embraced and read, if desired. For these writers were in the pursuit of the spirit and were the individual lead by the spirit, which is what they all are trying to teach. That it is what everyone should be. They are saying, “here, this is what i have found and i have written down the understanding of it for you, so that you may understand my life and experience, which added together with what you will find in your pursuit of the spirit, means your life experience will now be double and more robust. But you must pursue the spirit in your own personal way.” And if we all arrive at different understanding, then those differences must be shared. But it is not for us to read a book and say this is my belief or better yet, understanding. For my life is not your life and to accept the experience of another, who had the spirit as their priority is to show how truly little worth there is in you. So do not let others tell you what to believe and what not to believe, for that is the role for yourself in this life. And yet, in this writing, i am not attempting to reach the mass, for it is the free individual that will look upon this and use it as a stepping stone, for their own development.

I am not a, want to be leader of the mass, for that pursuit is one of vanity and trying to bring about change by the force of numbers, rather than the change to the world, that comes about by the endeavor of the individual, to evolve toward the spirit and have their thoughts be their thoughts as direction toward the spirit with the knowledge that comes through the illumination of Absolute Love. Spiritual love, not the love of the world. For as long as there is the mass mentality, mankind will never be free. But for those who accept the spirit and live a life based upon the spirit, then they have become free, for they have in this life time reached forward to receive the kingdom of heaven that has always been at hand.

It is unwise to dismiss information that has been given as an insight to the spiritual path, based upon. What reason would be a good basis? For are you unintelligent and unable to think for yourself? I think you are not, but do those who you call your authorities, related to the Pharisees, it is that they think so, our that they are attempting to maintain their living off the wages of the poor? Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, for they throw it into every measure of life.

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