Today as i came to the house for lunch, there was a white car sitting at the dead end, which is right in front of the house. I saw a man walking toward it and after i parked and got out of the car, i asked him, “Does that belong to you?” and he said, “Yes.” and that he had forgotten his gas can as he had run out of fuel. So, i picked up some trash that had been blown into the yard, as it always does on trash day, took it to the garbage can and then threw it away. Then i walked inside for lunch. Sevgilim was waiting for me and asked me what the guy had said. I told her and she told me that he had already come and knocked on the door and said he had run out of fuel and if it was alright if he parked there and if it would make her nervous. She said that it was ok. But then she said how he had left and 10 minutes later, which is now, had come back. I told her he said he forgot is gas can. But she worried and let it eat at her. I told her it was ok; he is just a guy who ran out of gas. I told her that i was going to get a gas can and take him to get some gas. But she would not have this. The man is crazy she said and she does not want to worry about me. I told her she does not know such things and that he just ran out of fuel and is trying to decide what to do. By that time the man had left again and so we ate lunch and it was still consuming her as the car was still there and he had not come back. She did not want me to leave and i did not but she started talking about all the trash in the papers and violence and murder and how all this was going on. As one of her classes at the university has her keeping up with the news. I told her she has no reason to think such trash is going on for she has been in the states for 7 years and nothing has happened that should make her think in this horrible way. So, we took a nap as such talk and thoughts, from her, had wiped my strength completely away. When we awoke, the car was still there. So, i got ready to leave and as i was doing so, she walked over to our neighbors, whose eye is darkness, and by the time i had got to work, they had called the cops. The cops only perpetuated the fear. So, some more time passed and we talked on the phone, me telling her how this guy was just having a bad day and her fear and getting the authorities involved was only going to make it worse. All the while, her negative thoughts were making me more and more drained. i talked to her again, not much later and the car had left, the police had contacted his mother. He lives in the neighborhood and that they were going to try to contact him again but there did not appear to be any reason to worry. And so this regular fellow was having a bad day, ran out of gas, pulled down to the end of a dead end road, knocked on the door of the person who lived there, told then what happened, asked if it would be ok to leave the vehicle there, they said yes, he got close to the gas station, realized he left his gas can, came back, did not have one in the car, left again to figure out what to do, only to have the person who said it would be ok to park there, call the police on him, so they could track him down, question him about his day and what, where, when, how, why, only adding to the guys eventful day making it worse. And yet as she was telling me all about the trash in the newspaper, i told her that this stuff was not random and people suffered it because they motivated such actions to come to them. Just as telling this guy it is ok to park there and then later turning around and calling the police on him, telling him a lie and adding to the difficulty of his day. Yet all will be well if the lesson is learned. My lesson as i must do; if someone has run out of fuel, help them out. You have done a good deed and reduced stress in the life of those who are living in fear. Treat them as your neighbor, which that is what you would do for them. Yet thinking about it, i have almost, in the day’s past, thought myself too busy to have time to help someone who had asked for it and they were my neighbor and today i found that i did think myself too busy and because of such, such were the events of the day. Not as goodly as they should have been. There are countless hidden gateways all around us, but because of our hustle and bustle of everyday life, we miss these GOD filled moments.

Slow down, slow down for others, slow down for your wife. For those who are first shall be last. Those who have had their rest and life of luxury shall not have it later. Those who are last shall be first. Do not concern yourself with self or what it is you desire. Yet I find my desire is for time of self and spirit. The question is, should i forgo that to serve the material wants of others? I do not think that i should, so let’s come into knowledge about that…

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