Understanding is an ever-evolving process. There is an understanding of basic facts and there is a global understanding, a universal understanding but the understanding of the spirit continues onward in growth. With all my conversations with Keith and hearing him talk about respect for life, down to insects, after a 24-hour period spent with his younger brother and another even younger, i heard, the day after, words coming across his lips about going hunting and using a weapon to take innocent life. Life that is doing, what he and all other life is pursuing. But mankind takes pleasure from killing and taking life, enjoyment from death. As one goes out to find food for itself or family there is another “animal” waiting to take it’s life. And they justify their killing with talk of controlling over-population, as though GOD is incapable and as the encroachment upon the homes of these others. Their killing is in ignorance and in error. For the animal, man, kills the strong while that which knows what is beneficial takes the aged and weak. So it is man who perpetuates disease and leads not only to its own destruction but the destruction of all others. Now do such actions sound of that which is godly or that of the contrary? I am feeling at odds with existence and it is once again growing. As i watch the destruction, disease and death spreading around me while my heaven expands and with this, my thoughts are once again turned to Eden and the initial temptation. “For if you eat of that fruit, you shall surely die.” The fruit(1, 2) was eaten and the statement was not meant merely for Adam and Eve but for humanity or rather man-kind. Yet with the power we contain by joining with the spirit, such things as this are unnecessary and if the gift is received, the gown worn and the crown adorned in humility and piety, then there becomes a seed of eternity that will sustain not only this planet but the universe. But yet even in that, must we not die to our physical, emotional and mental nature, that binds us to nature, so that it is the spirit that can guide us rather than the animal self? So it appears that if we ascend from this soil, we have been germinating within, by getting our nurturance from the spirit. Then yes, we have died to be reborn into the spirit. But rather, if we leave our roots in the world and living as it shows of feeding off other life, yes, we will die never to be reborn, for the axe shall be laid to the roots in one form or another. By man’s own hands.

So we create the soil, which we are and which the spiritual seed my grow and as for my decision, let’s see how fertile i can make this soil of self, so the tree of life may flourish. And if we are the soil and the spirit is the seed, then Eden is ourselves and our choice to pursue or partake in the tree of knowledge of good and evil, will bring about death. While there also is in the same garden, the tree of life. For if we eat of the tree of knowledge and know what is right and wrong and we continue to do wrong then for sure it is death.



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