After the knowledge had been received, that grew from the belief and idea that MANKIND CAN NOT BE DRIVEN TO HEAVEN WITH A SCOURGE, my direction of focus had once again, for the first time since returning to this land, turned inward. With the understanding and remembrance that the greatest results came from allowing this vessel to be used by the spirit and not the vessel being used by the self. Having devoted my focus to inward spiritual development of the creation of an Archetype, i received a vision of that which is coming…

Before i was to awake to begin the day at hand, after a day in paradise and letting go, a vision came into my mind as such… At a gathering with my blood family and Sevgilim, i was trying to get my sisters attention, talking about showing of worldly things. Yet, her attention along with everyone else was drawn to an orator, talking and explaining the simplicity, as i understood it, of the world and instruction as though it was some secret, held by only a certain people. Everyone was already aware of what he spoke but they still mindlessly repeated what he told them. I found that i had been taken up to the highest point of a large stadium, to where i was above the crowd. While the orator was far below in the center of the stage. As i watched this scene, i became aggravated and began descending the stadium, moving quickly, barely touching the back of the seats, so sure footed, on my way down toward the speaker. I neared him and he eyed me and i kept moving past him to the left and continued down, around a curve to the right and out onto the outside. I then felt the feeling of distance and gazed back thinking of Sevgilim but only seeing the crowd and speaker. Yet i was compelled to continue, moving forward with such speed and sure footedness. As i ran, i came upon a dark room which contained a bottomless pit and with a feeling that i was being pursued by someone, without hesitation, i continued toward the pit and jumped in, allowing myself to go far down into the depths. When i had felt i had fell far enough, i grabbed what i knew as though roots, even though the darkness ruled my sight. And there i stopped and looked upward toward the entrance of the pit and i saw a light coming toward the edge, which grew more and more bright. I then realized it was a search light and it began peering down into the depths, trying to locate me. And so not wanting to be found, i let go and fell into the abyss. And i fell and i found myself in the presence of the divine. Which took the shape of a sphere, that was a mixture of light and darkness, as though a dying star, with the light and darkness swirling within. And around the sphere were what i first viewed as flickers of fire, as sparks, in ever abundance, in flight spread far and near to the sphere. Then taking recognition of my place, i found i was of those flames and that those flames were like of me. And as i took note of my presence, with this presence, there came over me such peace and tranquility as i have never felt and never knew to exist. And i soared in the vastness and presence of the sphere of light and darkness, in a state of bliss, i found that i knew all and had absolute understanding of all things. There was no knowledge unknown. I thought of anything and there was a rush of information into my being and I understood the thought I had and how that thought was connected to any and everything in the cosmos and what the outcome of merely having the thought was to be. It was a feeling of complete wholeness, understanding in every particle of being one’s connection to the cosmos and to everything other thing in it as well. With that understanding, i then with unknown speed, left the presence, going back toward the entrance of the pit. The rate at which i traveled was of such speed that the mentality of my physical form began to lengthen and elongate. I ascended from the pit and continued until i arrived at a hall of rooms. I came through an entrance at the beginning of the structure, not an entrance close or at the middle, and went down the hall to the back. I stopped and found myself in a cluttered room and turned to find a mirror into which i gazed. I saw in the physical form what i had felt occurring because of the rate of velocity to which i had traveled. My face now appeared swollen and elongated, it was black as though smeared with soot and the top of my forehead was red, as though burned, my hair, blown away from the area so as to revel it. I walked from this room moved to another room, again on the left, as i was making my way back to the entrance, I again gazed into another mirror. The changes had lessened and my body was beginning to revert back into its usual physical form. I then heard someone enter and i hid behind a rack of cloths, that was before the entrance door. There entered a girl, who was unknown to me. And then she started speaking with someone and as i looked to see who she was talking to, i looked and saw that the other was also me. So now the personality who was hiding realized there was some attachment to her, which was not concrete to this me, but to the me which she spoke, which was the one pursuing her. Then the one having the conversation with the girl got up and made the other me a shower, which myself, both, decided i should take. As i undressed, i found i was covered in residue from an illness and operation i had had but was no longer of me. As i went into the shower, i passed by and looked at myself, who had prepared the shower and set the temperature of the water. And so, i washed the soot from my face and the, no longer present illness, from my body and as i washed, i looked outside the shower, to see my other self’s interaction with the girl. I saw they were together and as i finished my cleansing, we all three walked to another place and the personality that had remained and did not enter into the presence of the divine, expressed desire of want to which i did not relate to but, it also being myself, the idea was pushed into my consciousness, which i rejected and guarded with the boundary that, “it is what you want and i do not”. The separation became complete. I found myself standing beside a table, i felt a presence and i turned to what was Sevgilim.

I awoke and my day began, to be presented with a talk with Step and why some choose to pursue the spirit and others pursue the world. She likes not my answer of personal choice as she wants to think there is a GOD, who controls all affairs and so why would this GOD, bring some to him and others not …because YOU CAN NOT BE DRIVEN TO HEAVEN WITH A SCOURGE. It is only those who seek who shall find and those who knock to whom the door will be open. Those who will rise to their divinity, shall and those who will not, they have received their time.

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