Having become a more conscious participant in my dreams, the other night i found myself confronted with what i would say, is my top two remaining temptations. I was offered, and without any want of acceptance, i freely and easily declined. With my development to not exert or try to drive my fellow person to the door of heaven and only working on the continual development of myself, once again i had freed this vessel from self so that the spirit may direct its course, actions and words. Not much passing of time did it take for a more beneficial environment to come into creation. Dialog once more appeared and what was a strong temptation is a temptation no more. So it is that we must be diligent in our struggle of self. We are not to stop this internal war until the godless has been conquered. It is only then will we have what is need by and for our fellow people. For it is not until you have rid yourself of that which is not of the good will you ever be able to be of benefit to your family. There by being a mere vessel, it will be the spirit that removes the speck from their eye, not you.



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