The second day of the fast, which is also the Sabbath. Today i awoke and read through my book of truth. I would read until i became tired, take a nap then get up and read some more, get a little sun, read more, take a nap and in time i finished the book. A day of rest, physically, while a day of work on purifying the mind and all the visualizations and thoughts that have been accumulating. I find myself weak from fasting and i have very little energy, so it will be interesting to see how tomorrow goes. This body is craving for the consumption of food but there is enough in storage for it to use. Mastery over the body must be obtained. There is much more time before the setting of the sun, so i will continue to see what it is my mind wants to gravitate toward and i will let it do so, to a degree, in order for those thoughts to be removed and simple thoughts devoted to the spirit can be all that it will wander toward. Control of the mind must be obtained. One must not be controlled by the body, emotions or the mind. That is not to say to overcome such thing but do not be ruled by them. For it is you that need be in control but what is it that you are?

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