The time of M has passed and what they gave is still in the process of coming into the light. My talks with him were much benefit to me if not to him and yet there are many who listen but do not hear. Yet as much as he is entrenched in the world, the physical; as much as he is devoted to the organizations of secularism, when directed to the light, but maybe more unfortunately stated, when the light is shown in his face, he can see it. Yet whether or not he nurtures it, is up to him. It is not for me to try and drive him to heaven by fear of a scourge.

Yet more and more visions are being seen. One night while sleeping in the room of education, i was pushed around on the floor by ethereal beings, which gave rise to a later vision of an ethereal being having to exert itself to exist. As it was forcefully exerting itself upon myself and others, trying to make us vacate the area we were entering, I was able to exert my will and hold it at bay. Then a compromise was reached and the shared space was divided. Each had their own and there was peace.

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