I was told that my understanding only expands for the past 12 years. Because this is where my experience in the spirit has brought me and that it is dangerous because of my understanding in my task is developing. I am told it would be better if i followed that which has been around for 2000 years. And yet they say of themselves that they do not know because they are young in age also. Yet they know not who they are, not what they are, know not their purpose, understand nothing of the spirit and nor do they take it upon themselves to find out but rather say, “show me” and insist that they are an animal and not a spiritual being.

If you are wise, you will see the state of one’s soul and give them the food that is fitting.

I ask them if they believe the statement, “If you owe your being to the physical then you are physical, but if you owe your birth to the spirit then you are spiritual.” They say, “I do not know because I do not know what you are talking about. So now that i have begun, he who was my sounding board, for the past 5 weeks, let me know it was ending. He is moving on to another place, feeling as though he is not developing or using his cerebral well enough. And yet it can never happen as long as the physical is still in the process of being clung to and the emotional nature is ruling his actions. But in our talk today, he sees that, about the emotional hindrance and the coming change is fear before him. Therefore, it is imperative that he do this and conquer that fear. And yet what am i being shown?

That after i have begun speaking out, the end of it arrives on 2,22. So if i am to begin then so will the end. At my path, in which the road forked on my way to Jerusalem, i was given the option to bring about the suffering and start the process of reaping, or i could, postpone that time and give more time so that others may come to the spirit. I chose to withhold the suffering and allow more breaths to be taken and more time. Long suffering is the spirit. And the spiritual GOD does not want people to die for their sins but to live and be free from them. The allotted time has passed and once again it brings the same paths before me. The choice to open the pit or to believe in the evolution of mankind into humanity, to allow more time. And yet i see before me the day of independence approaching.

I will give to M what was given to me, to give to him and let these final days bring to light, what they will.



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