My talks are not limited to M, the archangel and patron of “nations” and “warriors”, but the depth is mostly confined to him. The one i speak to knows not who he is for i am speaking not to the man before me but am conversing with the captain of hosts of the Lord. Yet after our conversation, i bring up points we touched on and they are remembered not. And yet i remember them. What is being given is that i came off making myself superior and my knowledge is right and everyone else is wrong. And yet i adamantly deny that this is my intention and speak against the accusation that i am proselytizing. But my task is to make others understand that they must take it up their selves and develop a more personal relationship with GOD and become their own priests and their own prophets. To listen to GOD speaking to them and to live the life they are told to live. To grow and strive to be more spiritual in order to have a more universal awareness, in order to have a broader vision, in order to come closer to GOD in the spirit, that is a spirit.

But this i am told is only a veneer and that i think myself better and above others because i tell them of compassion and returning good for evil and giving back love when you are handed hate. I am told i am dangerous because i do not place my faith in the miracle of birth and that Christ is Jesus who is God, but rather live a godly life in the pursuit of unconditional, unbiased, absolute love. Yet i remain silent when they brow beat me and say these things to me. I defend not myself but apologize for allowing myself to be seen this way. Yet, today i was made to realize in my communion with the spirit of where i have been sent and who those are i have been sent too and to understand what that task entails. A prophet receives no honor in his home. And yet i have learned the lessons taught to the others before me?

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