“Good deeds are not enough”; is the repetition. Daily i receive excerpts from the bible from a co-worker. Daily it also contains excerpts of other’s opinions that are not the senders own. In our talk, it is about accepting CHRIST (in my knowledge) and christ (in what they have been taught). I plead with them that i do not discount this statement. However, they state that in order to be saved you must accept the idea/belief that Christ, died on the cross for our sins and that it is the acceptance of this idea, that god and christ are one. Meaning Christ is GOD. And yet in the scriptures is states “GOD’s only begotten son”. So, if something is begotten how can it be of the totality of what if came from? You beget your children, but is your child you? They are of the same substance but they are not the same being. GOD is a spirit; GOD is the totality of the spirit. CHRIST is also the spirit of GOD but it is not the totality. Yet, from their ideology, your deeds cannot get you into heaven, only your acceptance to this creed, but even by accepting this creed you will not go to heaven if you continue to do evil acts. So, as i continue to try and explain that it is not the acceptance of the ideology but the acceptance of CHRIST, in a spiritual manner and understanding and if you do this then you repent from your wicked acts and then you find salvation. For this will give way to salvation by the crucifixion of your own, on the cross which is what CHRIST showed in that example, which is the example of what we must also allow to be shown for that is true salvation. Not accepting an ideology and continuing to live in the world, partaking of worldly desires. For there are those who have never heard of christ and have accepted CHRIST. For it was not until Immanuel’s baptism by John that the spirit descended down upon him. With this, did GOD separate from the spirit, which is what its essence is only to give it back to itself later? But such things do not show what humanity can obtain and in every manner of truth that is what GOD is trying to show us.



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