It came to me in a vision, on the day after that which was filled with symbols of my birth time. A mass had gathered to hear from one whose turn it was to recite that which came from the announcement of seemingly random tongue, by selecting from markings from their own back. During the reading the markings on their back became a portent in the sky, so that all could see what marks had been selected when the sounds were spoken. The portent was like unto seven characters, each for a specific note. The characters where in a U shape pattern and they were being read from left to right. As the first character was read, there appeared a line above it and this continued unto the next and the next until the last was reached. During the reading, when one such mark was checked and the sound spoken, a voice came, to which all could hear. And the portent began to take upon a shape at the narrowest point, pointing down where it split and caught fire and the voice said that the collective of all had been split by someone who no longer followed what has been being followed. When the portent had finished burning, the ash fell onto the ground and one of the ones who had split from the group quickly ran to gather it up and placed it in a long brown cloth. Another individual, high ranking in the group, said to the one that had gathered up the ashes, “give it to me”. But he would not for the fear of power that was in the ash. Then the division was known and a battle ensued. Those that had split though less in number easily defended themselves with what they could find. As the battle went on, the followers of that which had sent the voice where unable to destroy those who were no longer with them and they fell back only to return being led by one of great power, clothed in black and of great stature. He alone was able to kill the ones of separation and used the weapons created by man, that is the gun, to take their life after rendering them helpless with a long rod. Then the son of Iblis came forth in anger because of what had happened and that those who no longer followed the group had removed the organs that allowed them to spread their seed from those who did remain. After the son of Iblis had fought and destroyed all the ones of separation, he grabbed hold of me, as he was bleeding from every place and slowing dying. But in his weakened state he fell to the ground and i remembered yet another vision given to me of this exact scene. That if he only wrote the name of christ, with his blood, that all would be made whole. But he would not and only wrote Satan. I asked him, “don’t you want things to be as they were in the beginning?” He answered not and i began to weep profusely for him. My crying moved him, he rolled over and looked upon me with compassion and said, “Do not cry, bother.” I awoke.

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