Standing in the midst of a crowd.

A misty shower fell down.

Moments later destruction abound.

Those who thought they were alive became as dead.

They spread this illness as i stood watching in dread.

I watched one who was infected but as a host was found neglected.

She was gathered up and taken away,

In the hope that through her the disease could be kept at bay.

In a cave, at the top of a mountain, located on a deserted island.

They piped her blood into another who was infected, to see if it would make the process regressive.

The woman who was sick became well and as she sat up, i saw that the hand of the woman who was the host had become transparent. i saw through to her bones and as i continued up her arm and all over her whole body had become the same. This woman’s life had past but to the one that was still alive, life had lasted, as i came to understand for entire ages. I came to realize i was her son, standing before her, not knowing but feeling how much time had passed. She told me to go outside and see. As i did the mountain over the passing of time had become laid low and the place was untouched, beautiful and sublime. I continued walking, thinking mankind had past, but as i had this thought i looked at the ocean and unto the horizon, to see war ships approaching. I turned to run back to the cave to tell her the news and as i called, the words proceeding from my mouth became the words being spoken from the voices of the men on the ships saying: “We/They have come to reclaim your child again.”

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