I find myself once again feeling lost, but knowing that i am not. For i have had another vision.

I found myself sitting in my mothers’ father’s house, at the table, sitting over a meal. Before me was a man who began talking of God, to my right was Sevgilim, to my left his wife. As he talked, he thought highly of himself, thinking no one could understand his talking. I was listening and understanding what he was saying, but since he thought what he did, he stopped talking and opened up a book to the chapter of Zechariah.

There came the word of the lord through his prophet saying, the lord hath been sore displeased with your fathers. Therefore, say unto them, turn ye unto me and i will turn unto you. But not as your fathers unto whom the prophets cried, turn ye from your evil ways and from your evil doing. Yet they did not turn away. I saw by night a man riding on a red horse and behind him were horses, red, speckled and white. And the man said, there are they whom the lord hath sent to walk to and fro upon the earth. And they that walketh to and fro upon the earth said, “Behold all the earth sitteth still and is at rest.” And the lord said, “I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion, i am sore displeased with the heathen. I am therefore returned to Jerusalem with mercies. My house shall be built in it, and i saw four horns and these were the horns that scattered Judah, Jerusalem and Israel. And he showed me four carpenters who were to cast out the horns of the heathen. We are to deliver ourselves from Babylon. Many nations shall be joined to the Lord and i will dwell in their midst. Be silent, o all flesh, before the Lord, for he is raised up to of his holy habitation. And Joshua, the priest, stood clothed in dirty garments. And the Lord said, “Behold i have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee. And the Lord said, “If you will walk in my ways and keep my charge then you shall also judge my house.” “Behold, i will bring forth a servant from the BRANCH. I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. In that day shall ye call every man your neighbor under the vine and under the fig tree. Not by might nor by power but by the spirit. And i looked up and saw a roll of 10 cubits and he said to me, this is the cruse that goeth over the face of the earth, for everyone that stealeth shall be cut off and everyone that sweareth shall be cut off. And those that do these things shall be consumed. 4 chariots; 1 – drawn by red horses (south) 2 – drawn by black horses (north) 3 – drawn by white horses (north) 4 – drawn by gray horses (south) After those of the North, who have quieted the name of the Lord are taken into captive, the day will come that the Lord will sayeth, “Behold, the man whose name is “Branch”. He shall grow up out of his place and he shall build the temple of the Lord, and he shall bear the glory and shall sit and rule upon his thrown and he shall be priest unto his thrown and the counsel of peace shall be between them both. Execute judgment and show mercy and compassion to every man to his brother, oppress not the Widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger nor the poor and do not imagine evil. These are the things ye shall do. Speak truth to your neighbor, execute judgment of peace and truth in your gates, do not imagine evil in your hearts and love no false oath. In these days, people from all nations will take hold of him that is a Jew saying, “We will go with you for we have heard God is with you.” And it shall come to pass that prophets shall be ashamed of their vision and will deny their visions and it will come to pass that light will not be clear or dark and evening time shall be light, and for all those who fight against Jerusalem, they shall rot on their feet.

And so, to the understanding that the knowledge of the temple of GOD, the Spirit, is the understanding of the teachings of CHRIST’s lesson on the true temple of GOD. The spirit of GOD is within you. You are the temple of GOD and Zion is the area that surrounds you. Aquarius – the bearer of water, the one who poured the god’s their wine, the bringer of the floods that feed the Nile. An Age that carries the living water.

I must remember to not; would you haven known that i had forgotten.



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