Sevgilim and I are being chased by a beastly multitude. In order to keep away from them we must cross a river by way of three islands. As we reach the bank of the river, three creatures appear beside the islands, in the water, meaning to block the way. One creature for each island. I look down into my hands and beheld a linen cloth. I unroll it and took into my hands a silver knife and a silver fork that has only two prongs. I ran at and conquered each beast one by one with little effort. The middle beast having long fire red hair, large eyes, the teeth of a shark and whose face was a long as a wooden mask. For arms it had tentacles of an octopus and wore red fabric around its waist, with the length of the fabric down to its feet. After being over the river, i found myself in a chair in the midst of several people. We were in an area whose boundary was made by lanterns that gave off great light. Inside the squared boundary was all light. But on the outside of the square the light cast out its light into darkness and the light became dim until it did not reach further into the darkness. At the boundary of the lights end awaited a multitude of beasts waiting to devour those within the light. All those within the light were worrying about what they will do when the finite source of light goes out. I found myself answering, “Worry about it when the light goes out. For while you are in the light you must learn to become the light, for only then will you not be in the darkness.”

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