I search through the web for certain direction about certain facts. I present myself with them and contemplate on the outcome / possibility of each, then i factor in my faith in my spiritual father and allow the spirit to make my way straight, to accept whatever comes straight to me. It is great to understand your single life experience, it is wondrous to understand two.

After starting my new position, after two weeks, i had begun to feel worse that i have felt in some time. I have my yearly purges but this time a feeling of congestion has overtaken me. I am no longer surrounded by the open air but enclosed walls, no longer putting my hands in the earth but on that which is electronic. Much has changed in my environment but my illness i know is psychosomatic. I am working on diffusing this perception of unhealthiness but it is taking some time.

Yet today i find myself thinking of all the talents and abilities i have been blessed with and how i may put them to use for my fellow beings. And yet again i find myself realizing that i am still under my education and that which is to be, shall present itself.



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