I am reminded of the dream i had where Sevgilim and i had drove to a place where we had to give payment to a monster. We had no money so we ran away to hide into the night on a snow-covered ground, being chased by the monster, searching for us on a snow-mobile.

It may sound strange, being some time now. But a full moon has just past, Mars has passed through, between the earth and the sun during Aries, in this time of Aquarius. The great wonder in heaven appeared, a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. She is a winged angel caring wheat in one of her hands and caring the sun/son of man in the other. And here we are; what are we to be? The coming of CHRIST shall begin in peace, what are you waiting for? If you cannot be trusted in small matters how may your spiritual father, GOD trust you in large matters? Do you want to be trusted? Does it matter? There is much to be done, starting at self. Mostly learning to stop, unplug and allow your thoughts to be your own. You will be amazed to see what most of your energy is spent thinking about. Don’t you feel that you can trust the spirit, or do you only pretend to believe? Many shall praise me with their lips but betray me in their hearts. You must learn to give love, to understand the definition of love, to apply that definition of spiritual love to understand what you have, how in abundance you receive it, and to give equally as much away. Then you will understand what it is to be children of Humanity.



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