My dream last night began with Sevgilim and myself trying to honestly gain access into some building. After being inside, I saw it was large and open, filled with people. The whole place was dimly lit and i found myself separated from her, while hiding from someone looking for us because, according to him we were not to be in this place. Sevgilim was walking away from me through a door with a third person, a woman, we had come with to this place.

Next, I find myself getting into a vehicle, Cadillac; belonging to me, with my old friend Mr. Anderson. I was in the passenger seat, he got in the driver seat and started driving very fast. He could not control it and kept running off the road onto the side which was sand which was making us slide. I told him to keep it under 70, he did and our trip became smooth. Then i found us driving down a dirt road passing by some Native American ruins, which i had passed by before with Mary. We slowed while passing the ruins and came up behind an old man driving a carriage being pulled by a horse. As we passed, he mentioned aloud to his horse how fat and unhealthy our horse was; looking forward, we were walking behind 2 horse, both horses being beige, Mr. Anderson holding the reigns. I looked back at the old man and inquired, “Do you think this horse is overweight?” I heard my cell phone ring, i looked around me and awoke to find my alarm on the cell phone active in waking me up for work.

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