It is apparent humanity will not return to a simple life of living solely in nature and yet at current they are bent upon its destruction. So here i stand at a point i have known would arrive. Where in, is the compromise? I return to technology only realizing i never left it. I have been lifting houses into the air, not by force of men but that of a mechanical system. I have been digging ditches, not with my hands but with a tool in them. I have been fleeing from my karma, but being that which is for me to do. My life has been a path to computerization, virtualization and yet in my disgust i flew from its direction only to realize it was not for me to escape or try to escape anything more than the wastefulness, the desolation of my soul.

It is the 22nd as it could be no other day on this day. I had come to the understanding before that it was when i felt the most lost in my direction that my Father was using me most in his will.

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