If I do not have eyes at this moment, I never will. At this moment I believe. I have many beliefs but am only acting on a few. The more action, the faster you move against the flow. The less action the faster you go with the flow. Will I fight to find the source? Will I be swept away, becoming even smaller in a vast ocean? The oceans feed the rivers, the rivers feed the oceans, it is its own source. It is a fragile cycle. Man does not live long enough for significant remembrance, even the memories written down do not live long enough for significant remembrance; drought, flood, not enough then too much, caused naturally by the global environment system and also by humankind. Humanity differs in that it may have not only a system with drastic fluctuations but may also harmonize this system so as to maintain less sever changes and more of a time of plenty. With all that, i stand at the point of technologic development for secular substance, or a lesser cutting-edge technology, hands in the earth kinda work. Where are my beliefs and what of the knowledge i hold? To rise up with wings, as eagles, to walk and not grow weary, to run and not faint.



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