On the thirteenth year of mortal man’s manipulation of time, i must tell you that there is not any way that my GOD has not blessed me in my life. Spending a blinking of the eye in service to my GOD has brought me to life and yet i would not be alive if it had not also brought me to death. The 14th lunar cycles are as of a dream and all that makes it real is the love i found along the way. The love that i must learn to give first though to my wife that my GOD has blessed me with.

Mankind flies over my head, he tunnels beneath my feet and he walks upon the same unholy ground that i walk upon. I am here to let him/her/them realize that it is not the ground that is holy but themselves. I have returned to the new world to bring that which is new, for i shall do my part in being the comforter; that which was prophesied about by the savior-christ. That which would bring back into remembrance all that has been told by the Savior-Christ. Not in the secular sense, not in the whorely worldly sense but that in the spiritual sense. What must be shown to mankind is service in the spirit. Living not beyond your means, not having more that is needed, bringing about the smallest amount of destruction that is possible and constantly working toward bringing about less. Being in people’s lives and not being aloof ascetic monks living in a worldly wilderness, letting their lives wind down to a mindful whisper that whispers only to worldly ears. Beginning with our familiar family, forming a foundation/not fragmented but unified in the knowledge of Love. To give and to give unselfishly, never wishing nor wanting return of payment nor even appreciation, for it is not people in which you serve but it is the spirit and the spirit is GOD. Wish nor want any reward for we are only unprofitable servants; we have only done that which it was our duty to do.

The world and all of that which consist of its same making shall pass away but mankind that becomes of the spirit shall remain. They shall know of their divinity; they shall know of GOD. The GOD that is unknown to this world. The GOD that gives unconditional, unbiased Love, unlike the world. A GOD that needs not, or cares not for life to feed upon life. A GOD that does not partake in euphemism but let’s that which is dead to decay so as to give more time for learning in patience and not wrath. Love is not slow to anger; Love never angers and those that are of the spirit resist not evil; whether in war or other worldly injustice. For true justice is mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. Those in the spirit abide in patience and let the actions of this world’s injustice pass away as it is out of that which is not eternal. Speak not about negativity but only that which are blessings that come from the giver of the spirit for acknowledgments should not be given to that which is not eternal.

I tell you that if it is the spirit in which you serve then you are bound by no laws, nor authority, nor governments, nor anything and everything that is worldly. You remove your-self from the world and begin to create your own.

Separate yourself from the negativity of modern-day society so that it exists not unless it exists in direct portion to you, then you shall see a different world; a world that was created for your sight alone, your ears alone, you’re understanding alone, your perception alone, and can be changed and altered by your will and action alone. Pray that the spirit delivers you from the temptation and evil, that which the matter of materialism desires to throw upon you as a bondage to subvert you from the knowledge of your spiritual attire. For the world was created for you and you alone and it was created for you to change and you must change it through service. For the body was not given to the soul as a burden, nor was the soul given to the spirit to drag and keep it in despair and suffering. Those that think so know not of the GOD unto which i speak; a GOD of Love. They know of this worldly God that asks man to kill one another and other life as though it is of a use to him and a service to that which is good. For nothing good comes from violence and nothing ever will. Renounce your need, your dependence upon worldly religion, become your own priest and listen to the prophets that surround you, even though they know not that they are. Renounce your need of governments to run and rule your lives based upon decisions of the elite minority. Renounce your beliefs in monetary security for where is money security, when those who serve you for money serve the money as their master. For money is not security but the GOD of the spirit is and he is not in money but only in people. So instead of showering yourself in money, shower those around you in Love. For we are of a selfish race and if we change ourselves, we change the world. So once again, i tell you to this; Above all other things, love one another, and this sums up the law.



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