I intended to write more yesterday on my trip but the words did not come until today. I went to bed early and woke up late, rolling over several times before getting out of bed. I picked up and showered and in between those time I watched the television. After “Mysteries of the Bible” went off, I scanned the channels only to view nothingness. I was planning on going to the park with my book “Dead Sea Scrolls” but the day was overcast so I will stay home and read in the apartment.

Harem4 is to call tonight. I thought of how nice it would be to of had her on the trip yesterday to Mount St. Helen but wondered if she would have stayed in the vehicle or would she have fell down the mountain to get to the river with me? Unlike the others I will give her a chance but will not let it bother me if she chooses to stay above or below at the times my journeys take me places.

As I have been away and have a television near to me, my thoughts have been of a sexual nature in wanting to be with her. That is all the device promotes, ninety eight percent sex and violence. No wonder our society believes that sex is a big part of a relationship. It is a part of the martial and not the dating relationship. Although the beauty of a woman may also be a snare; a shot term snare or should I say a short-term act and a long-term spiritual snare. Thank Christ for the forgiveness he gives. I am just as weak as my fellow man and my brother’s wife leads him away from the one true God. The living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus.

I have no place to live and no path of my own. Blessed be the name of the Lord that takes me down his path. He is the only truth and righteousness in man.



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