Everything I have ever feared would happen to me in my life has happened. Two days ago I was fired from work because of my long held hidden secret about my college degree which I made known. NOW, I can get the “perfect” job that I always wanted from Spacelabs and see if I will like it. That is if they still want me after being fired for allegedly falsifying my application. If they do not, I could care less. I hope that I do like the new job. I will give this life one more shot and if I do not like it then I will quit. It is not about money for I still need a job and a fresh start. God is gracious to every one of us and if we wish then that is all that it shall ever be because he gave us what we need.

I will try and see if I like this house, I have been looking at renting it, if possible. It would be, to me, the ideal spot for my next residence. We shall see if it is God’s will for me to obtain such a place. It is somewhat secluded and right on the river like I always wanted.



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