I finished Ezekiel this morning, something I wanted to do in a timely manner. My next reading from the bible will be the life of Jesus Christ. When I was walking Bachuas today, Harem10 was outside holding a baby. As I passed, she said, “Oh how sweet, I am twenty-three and not even dating anyone” with a sigh. Now I know that I did not make a mistake by breaking up with her. I see someone else, if at all holding my child. It actually let me know that I am nowhere near ready for them.

My hands cannot keep up with my mind.

“Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.”

Are we imperfect beings created by God? Can God create something imperfect? Why would God want to create something imperfect? How can I understand what God would want?

“Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself with make your path straight.”

This is the first time in my life that I have ever quoted and applied scripture in my life with heart. My life is changing for the better for it cannot be for the worse. Although, I do believe it could go in that direction.

Going back to what Harem10 said about only being twenty-three. Why do people want to rush into that? I however unknowing am skeptical.

I have dramatically cut down on the intake of unneeded data via the television. I want to get rid of it all together. I am also lacking good intentions on the welfare of my fish. I will not stop caring for them until they die; I am just lacking good intentions.

Peter and I delivered Scott’s boat to Pascagoula; it was a long trip but enjoyable.



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