This pen does not write as fluid as the fountain pen. I have used the word fluid thrice today. Twenty-one days into the New Year and at this point in time I am getting ready to start exercising. I have ordered an apparatus that I have been meaning to get for some time now. With it I will start getting into better physical shape along with running, strike that, Tai Chi which I was not going to take but need to. I need to do something for my heart so I may start running.

Work, ha work! It will be interesting to see how things work out this year and where I will be. It is funny how my writing changes with my change in personality; I wonder if other people can detect when theirs swings?

It is amazing how fast this rain came on.

I am not doing so well financially at the moment. I am spending money on something but I don’t know what; travel is where it is going. I am staying with my savings account; three more months and I will have paid off the Hancock Bank loan. Then I can get my vehicle refinanced. I may keep paying the regular payments and get that over with as well. Save, save, save.

I am trying to get back in touch with Harem2, I don’t care, but hopefully Harem10 will not take it badly. I also talked with Harem1 a couple of days ago. {Time is still steadily moving.} She has stopped drinking and now her life should go at ease, if not a tad bit less bumpy. I wish her the best. Harem2 has found a boyfriend, Harem11 I cannot find; not that I have been trying too hard. I have a lot going on right now and still feel like time is wasted.

It is like they say, “It is better to burn out than fade away.”

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