When time passes it goes by with two rocket engines at full throttle strapped onto it. I am sitting out on the patio not wanting to smoke, watch television or read. A great deal has happened since my last writing three months ago. I am over Harem3 to a very large degree, I have gotten a new used vehicle that I wrecked the first month, I have gotten a promotion at work with five employees under me. The new vehicle is a Ford Explorer and the new position is the Clinical Information Systems Manager. I have not drunk any alcohol but twice and my health is improving. Summer is on the way! Found out that my Uncle Clayton is dying of cancer and Nanny is getting weaker, mentally and physically. I think that it is what is pulling Granddaddy down and he is feeling his mortality. Just a few more weeks and Peter will be married. Life is not fair; you just have to make due the best you can and continue on. I still cannot see myself married, maybe because I have not found the right woman. I need to get myself in good shape, mentally and monetarily, which is hopefully right around the corner. This will be a strange summer but not unlike all the others. I still have high hopes.



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