Been in California for three days and classes start tomorrow. Chuck and I went to Venice Beach, Beverly Hills, Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Hard Rock, Malibu, Topeka National Forrest, and Santa Anita to play golf. I shot like hell but had a good time, what do you expect after a lapse of 7 years. The weather here is wonderful; it keeps getting warmer each day in L.A. I am sitting around the pool now and will get some more sun.

Harem3 said she thinks she will enjoy living in the house and I am sure it is because it is that she is alone and has no expenses to worry about. That was the whole idea on my part, give her time to think in peace. I am sure nothing will change once I return home, it undoubtedly never will. I suppose I am tired of waiting on the ones I want but I have no choice with her. I have gotten to the point where I can function and that is good but she still stays in my mind. Whether or not we work out or not who knows. Only time will tell and I have got all the time in the world.

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