Harem3 and I are back from the trip and it went well. We were together for ten days and had a great time. We camped in the Ozarks then drove through Oklahoma, Kansas, into Colorado, and stayed in Burlington. After that we stayed two days in Breckenridge. While in Breckenridge, I hiked to the top of Peak nine and while there I ran into Victor.

{Explain my meeting with Victor}

Then we drove into Denver, went out to some clubs and dinner, left and drove to Utah trying to make it to Vegas. It was too far away and not enough time was available. We camped in Pink Dunes National Park, where when the sun hit it in the morning it looks like the whole land is a vibrant pink. Arriving in Arizona, we stayed the night in Tucson and drove to Mexico the next morning and after spending the day there, we drove all the way home, getting stopped in the rush hours traffic of Houston. Now that we are back, I have decided that it would be best not to talk for two weeks and start the path to separation so I will not have to deal with the hurt of knowing she is with others. So now we will see if she cares for what time will do and me. She has told me that she sees us together in the future and I would like to believe it. I just want her now but it is not the right time and I am unsure if it will ever be. I hope she finds what it is that is going to make her happy and I hope she stays safe. Maybe she will call like before, I don’t know, I don’t think she will but I will not call her. I must be strong and do what is best for her and me. I did enjoy the trip but spent too much money and will be digging myself out of that hole for a while. I wonder what will happen with this part of my life because it is the only thing that I am missing. It is a good time because I have to finish this class I am taking and get it out of the way. So, my life is up in the air, let us pray I have a parachute, if not, then some really padded shoes and strong bones.



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