It seems the only time that I will be making journal entries now is when I am on a trip the hospital has provided. This time I am traveling to New York City and they are under a terrorist warning. Now would be a good time to catch up as much as I can on what has been happening. I have turned down two jobs, one that would have been an increase in pay and the other an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a budding business. Neither had the medical benefits that I needed in order to have my leg repaired after the horse-riding accident that left me a gimp. My job at the hospital is good but I am as busy as hell. We hired a new person in the department to handle the business end of the computers. I almost started a relationship with this person but came to my scenes quick enough as not to damage any one’s lives. I did go out with a dancer for the shows at the Grand Casino; that lasted for about three weeks and then ended. She was just not my type. Now I am dating a nurse from the hospital and I do not think that things are going well but hopefully she will not be as possessive as the others were. She is like Harem2 and myself, distant and not showing how she feels. She may be moving soon and I know what I must do, the Harem3 thing I always do damn it. This one is iffy, I may move with her and the good thing is that if it does not work out, I can always move again. Two years is good for me in one place or at least until I am ready to settle down.

Harem6, the nurse, was to be with me in New York but she developed an ear infection and could not fly. I am at twenty-seven thousand feet and all seems to be going quite well. My leg will be repaired in October and planning on getting my degree right after that. My first priority in life is to get my degree because if I do not do it now in this job, I will never do it. I am living in a life of a lie and I will soon live to regret it.

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