I went through the Harem3 old thing about asking Harem2 to marry me again. I was going to do it until I called her from the hotel. I had a strange dream the night before that she had been raped and killed; all I could do was just cry in my dream.

It is eleven-forty and I am sitting on the plane in Salt Lake City. This trip has given me my first view of snow-covered mountains and they are even more gorgeous than I had imagined. I am the only passenger on the plane the rest are the stewardess and the cleaning crew. Last night I drove to San Francisco again and went back to the Warf, drove over the Golden Gate Bridge, and went to the marina. One last look before departing back to the Gulf of Mexico Coast. I am also going to mention that I drove to Santa Cruz and ate on the pier and heard but did not see sea lions. It was dark and although they were directly below me, I could not see them. I stopped by the Tide Bar on the way back and had a few drinks. It was a nice bar with a microbrewery and lots of appetizers to munch on. Then I drove on to the hotel, packed and got ready to leave.

I should arrive in New Orleans at four-ten p.m. I will stop writing because people are starting to board the plane. I am not going to mention my asking Harem2 about marriage because I may be changing my mind as time goes along. Imagine that.



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