Today is Valentine’s Day and I have been in California for three days. Sunday, I had a few drinks in the hotel bar when I arrived and got situated. Monday, I went to the HP seminar and meet a couple of guys that will be partaking in the training with me. Today I drove into the city of San Francisco and ate at a restaurant in the Fisherman Warf. The view was tremendous, on one side there was the well-lit Golden Gate Bridge and on the other was the bridge to Oakland. It was a great experience to take the convertible that the hospital had rented me but when I got down to the bay area the temperature dropped about fifteen to twenty degrees. I cranked up the heater and left the top down and drove around town. I bought Harem2 a whale tail necklace, something for her to remember me by. I do suppose that she would rather be with her ex-boyfriend still even though he treats her like shit but he may be a real fun guy. FUCK THAT! When I get back, I am going to give her the necklace and ask her to marry me and whatever comes out comes out. Just think of it, us getting married, me taking care of her and moving down to the coast. Who knows? But I soon will.

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