Why do they say that we go from one extreme to another? It must be a thing within the norm. There is nothing more tragic in this life as the loss of a love or not having love returned. There is no true meaning that I can find in this life, we are put here to reproduce and then teach those we spawn in the best ways we can. If we can persuade others to join our God then we have done a good task and it is more feathers in our wings. Not to say good deeds are not meant to be used, we must all try to be kind to one another.

What a mood I must have been in my previous writing. Of course, I thought of her again today, it is strange that when I “look”, stressing the word, I have a man-like desire to do as all men do. After I encounter the desires of flesh, they pass by without incident because of my insecurities and shyness.

I am completely in love with her; she is my meaning, my goal, and my life. Sometimes I think that the pain keeps me going. Sometimes I know that it is true, that the pain does keep me going; the hate, the anger, the frustration. I will show her, I will show everyone, wait until I have acquired the house, the yacht, the vast amounts of land, and the nice cars, with power and wealth.



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