This week she, Harem1, left with her husband on a trip to Disney Land. She did not say good-bye but did insinuate it a week before. My life will never be complete without her, and yet in the same instance I am scared to be with her because of the fear that I may not be able to make her happy and end up losing her. I must be given the chance but will not take it until we can be together totally and freely. I love her more than my own life but that is not saying much. I would trade my soul for hers even if to burn in hell for all eternity. My whole life has been screwed up until now and it seems to be staying that way. I have no money to buy things, my vehicle keeps breaking down, and I am stuck in a dead-end job that stinks.

Harem1, I say this to you; If I never get the chance to give you my love as I have always wished, please remember that my last thought in this life was of you and I was not afraid to die but rather I was afraid to die without ever sharing a love with you. Please also remember that if you are happy than so am I. I love you and will watch over you from beyond this world.

So, the Traveler walked on and came to the end of the road. In front of him laid a steep and deep crevasse. Looking back behind him he saw the woman he loved but took another step forward, not wanting to ruin her life for her. He continued his journey with a quiet voice in his head that kept saying, “you can’t run away”.

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