This is the week of finals, my first year at a major university. I don’t feel like doing any of the needed work, especially the programming that is due tomorrow. My roommate, Ja, and I went to Perk and ate dinner with my old professor and some more friends from junior college. After we went to the Pines Club for a night of drinking. Carla, a gorgeous, sexy, brunette I had an acquaintance with for only a while was there. After enough nerve was gained, I asked her to dance and she accepted. We danced all night slow dances, whispering in each other’s ears, and dirty dancing, doing it doggie style. After several drinks and several dances, the time came when she had to leave with her friends. On the last slow dance, I leaned into her ear and said, “You know that I want to kiss you”. So, we walked out to her car and proceeded to lock lips and French kiss. Although she was engaged and it was only physical attraction, I have developed feelings for her. But I know that I would give it all up for a chance with Harem1 without her husband in the picture. I suppose that one-day I will just have to kidnap her away.

Ja and I picked up the Christmas tree today and I decorated it. We also put-up lights around the front of the house and now it seems that I am a bit more in the spirit of Christmas. There are stockings beside the fireplace, Christmas carols on the stereo and no money in the pocket.

The damn car continues to break down and well that is how it must be. I wonder if I will get depressed this Christmas as all the others? Most likely I will. My Christmas wish is for Carla to be happy and have the best marriage that she can have and I hope she will be happy in California. I have been a bad boy, first Harem1 and now Carla. I deserve the amount of torment that I am putting on myself. I just pray it does not go to Harem1; to know that I caused her pain would destroy me inside.

I am going to get started on my program as soon as Ja is finished playing chess on the computer. While he is doing that, I am going to try to get in touch with Carla…. The first attempt was unsuccessful. There is the possibility that she does not want to talk with me, I hope that it is not the case. I suppose Harem1 and I will do lunch this Friday and that I always look forward to.

Several hours have past and just as soon as Tango and Cash is over, I will get started on the computer program. There will be no story of the traveler tonight. From the look of it, he is walking the road looking up and not looking where he is going; let us hope he looks down in time so as not to step in any shit.

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