Since my last writing my car has broken down on the way back from Thanksgiving holidays at my aunt’s house. The whole family was there, my mother, sisters, stepfather, grandmother and grandfather, so on and so on. It was all right but not one of my best times and if I had not gone, my life would be the same except my car would be running.

I suppose Harem8, the woman who was to be my fiancée that was sharing an apartment with me, has finally given up on trying to get me back. She told me that it was the case on the phone. I do not want her back now that she has slept with another, or that I ever did want her back initially. I do miss her because she did become a large part of my life but it is time that gap is filled with my inner self.

I still think of Harem1 to this day and will even to the second of death. A personal wish of hope and prayer is all their remains of a day that we will get our chance at a relationship, until then she is another’s and all that there is a friendship. God, I hate calling her that! There is nothing that would be withheld now or in the future if she could be mine, that is all I wish for. I followed her to her Junior College and a major university. She leads my life completely and yet it is unknown to her. Enough! She is another’s.

College is becoming, if you will, a drag. I no longer care to learn at the present time and I am always broke. Once again, my vehicle is broken down and more money must be shelled out to have it fixed. “Go ahead and plow your fields over the bones of the dead.” I have registered for eighteen hours next semester. My grandparents said, “We will get it paid for.” I do not look for any financial support from them. hopefully after the holidays, I will be in a better frame of mind as far as school goes. One would think I would really want to stay in school, with a job at Chick-fil-A. Man I hate that job, but it is my sole source of income for the next year. It is also the place that I meet Harem1. She once made the statement, “You have known me for a long time.” I replied, “Yes I have” and she said, “I’m sorry.” Why is she sorry? All those years I have loved her with all my heart and wanted her, not in the sexual way. It is a love stronger than that and sex is not love. She is strong willed, intelligent, caring, beautiful, and down to earth, with dreams and goals. Like myself, she thinks too much and never has just a single thought in her head; every situation and angle must be analyzed. If just for a matter of minutes I could clear my mind of everything and my thoughts be not so cluttered. When we are together, she is the only thing on my mind, although it may begin to wander, it is an easy task to bring it back to just thoughts of her. My heart and life are hers and I will do everything I can to protect and ease her way. People say I keep my troubles to myself and that I will let no one help me, but no matter what they say, it is better to burn out than to fade away. As surely as the sun sets from the sky, she will come.

“Then to the death it shall be” he said holding his broken sword. The dark warrior, with a bit of admiration, stared at the traveler. The warrior drew his long sword and pointed his crossbow at the traveler. “This should be short of a good fight,” he said. The warrior fired the crossbow and with a quick reflex the traveler was able to dodge the oncoming arrow. This is what the warrior was expecting and with a mighty swing, he struck for the traveler’s head. The traveler’s god must have been with him that day because the sword never touched him. Upon getting out of the way of the arrow he had tripped over his own feet, falling down. His momentum had overpowered the dark warrior in his confidence. As the sword swung way above his head, the traveler noticed his opportunity and gripping his weapon lunged forward and thrust it into the warrior’s abdomen slicing right and left. The wounded man collapsed and moaned in agony. The traveler leaned over to his ear and spoke softly to him, “Burn in hell.” He gathered his things and crossed the bridge that the warrior had been guarding. He had beaten another obstacle on his journey but unknowingly a more difficult task remained ahead of him. He thought to himself as he walked, “another day, another bridge, another’s fate fulfilled”.

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