For once I was blind but now, I see

So here we are and now you know…

I did not come here to bring you freedom. You have given it away, so you must be the ones to reclaim such desire. She is standing at the door waiting for you to open it. This is not the beginning for it started two thousand years before; this is not the end for that time is unknown to any mortal man. This time is a period in-between, not toward the beginning, near the center but for sure not long until the end. There is still time, time to regain what we have lost, time to once again know ourselves, time once again to control our own destiny and to not have it controlled for us. It will not be an easy task for the ones who are now in control will not heed likely to the change. For what good has ever come at an easy price, what prize of worthwhile measure has ever been handed into our hands? Freedom must be taken by you, no one nor I can give it to you, what I give is condemnation and in that what I, with the help of the one eternal, will give you is hope. With true hope comes the idea of possibility and with the idea comes action and action brings freedom. So that there will be no mistake in your mind, the programs must be decompiled. We must not forget the basis of the application but we must delink it into the individual subroutines, for when this is done, the wool that has been pulled over our eyes is no more. The idea is difficult to accept and many will not touch it, some because the programming is too deep, others because atrophy (the friend of the oppressor) has seized them. The task of actions will thwart even more because it will take strength to overcome addictions and to give up many societal inflicted desires. I can never reach all, even if some join me, we may never reach many. The best scenario is that there will be enough to spread the hope to just a few more and in return it will continue to the children and in that hope, they shall be able to more fully show us the way. I will begin at the time of what we believe to be bliss ignorance. Ignorance is not bliss; it is a feather bed with white silk sheets surrounded by an enormous lavishly filled room that by choice has no windows and no doors. There is no exit or view to the outside to see our path to what can be physical freedom, but also more to the fact our spiritual freedom. For this journey starts from the womb and will end up in the tomb of ones who are now born and the innocent unborn.

This generation, as the ones before us will not escape, but there is a difference that this generation shall be the one who shall lay down their material life. Dying to this life we know so that our children may live in a time where by their faith, strengthened by our hope, they may move mountains.

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