I have left Turkey and now i am en route to the land of my physical birth into this world. Upon my return i still have not once cent of money available to me and for this at this moment in my growth, I am grateful.

What good will any worry do for me? GOD is my security and strength and as before, this is a new beginning; a new life.

Sevgilim remains in Turkey, realizing we may not be together; depending upon how my path is to be walked. I do not know where my service shall take me but where ever it is i shall go and my GOD willing it shall include her and she will want to be included. For it is not for me to hold her if she does not want the life i am to lead. In truth, i do want her to share life with me and so we shall see what will be.

This is the end of materialism and the worldly way for me. I will strive for spiritual growth that will benefit my family, that is mankind.

Politics, environment, disease, drought, flood and other catastrophes are not my battle but that of a fight for the spiritual evolution of mankind and of the church and the modern day Pharisees and Sadducees. For the churches have once again lost their way in the way of the world and the old religion must be thrown away and the new is to be issued again. The Christ is to be glorified. Not some individual of the past but the christ that each of us can become by following and becoming the spirit that is within us all.

The Spirit that is from a GOD unknown to this world, a GOD of absolute love as given to our knowledge by the Savior-Christ.

Strict discipline to habits like eating, pious hair styles, cloths are secondary to the love that must first be given to all men, women and children for it is they that are important. It is mankind that contains them spirit, not the animals and mother earth, not the entire cosmos. We must extend our love to everyone and everything. To do our utmost to not help in the injustice that is of the world and all beyond that is material. It is not for us to organize or to band together. First it must be individual spiritual growth, then all other needful way will be taken care of by the collective spirit that is love, that is eternal, that which is true life. For this way is peace among man, but it is a sharp sword for all that is worldly.



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