I returned to Olympus yesterday. The place of Pagan Gods and i meet and have been communing with them over the past few days. As i sat talking to the Universal General, Akon, we talked about life, him saying how all was so wonderful and loving, as he sat drinking his wine and smoking his pipe, and listening to his bard play music for his enjoyment. He had much to say about his perception of creation and its endless newness and ending in oldness. I, of course, told him of the beautiful mask which he could not see nor did he wish to see how this place is the injustice of life feeding on life, its worthless except for the saving grace of a GOD who wishes to save the soul of man. But Akon just wanted to revel in the decadence of the day, constantly inviting the lifeless souls that passed by.

They have no time even for one of the hierarchies they know, much less for an unknown GOD that i have to give. Three did stop, one who was another of the States. We talked about the country and its current uselessness. He, as me never really wanted to return. But as i told him, “How does it change if those who see are not there?” He spoke truth and said, “You

can change yourself.” I replied, “Yes, but when you do you must return to live the change among the unchanged. If they change you back then you were only acting. But if you change them then what a glorious gift of GOD.”

I made peace with the lesser Gods, knowing they have their tasks; realizing their inevitable ending and tomorrow i shall pray for peace with my Father through my patience in his will as i pursue a life with my wife, my life, Sevgilim.

The possession i have held on to the most i shall not be selfish with any longer. For the cross i wore abound my neck had been for someone i had not meet but i have meet now and it shall be hers. All i have is her, my life must now be lived in complete love, must now become closer and stronger in the Christ. For this woman knows not of the savior-christ so she knows not of my Father.

Yet as the young man from the states said, as i have said; that when one comes in the name of Love, which is justice, he is destroyed and they may kill this man, that is me, but it is only the body they destroy and this is just one of the things i must show her before, or if ever that time comes.

People working only for a simple life, paying less and less taxes to a corrupt government. Showing those greedy bureaucrats that they need them not. Not working for the progression of proud politicians, what will they do with so much less money, no one to help them in their path of destruction, no one who wishes to hear the words rolling of their, have not yet changed, forked-tongues. Everyone educating those around them, discussing ideas. Not the injustice. Living in peace not politics.

Life as such i will never see in a large scale of humanity, but the process must now start being created. For the thought is not mine, nor the act but all direction in GOoDness comes from the eternal unbegotten Father, the giver of the spirit, the Father of the Savior-Christ.



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