Last night Sevgilim came home late from rehearsal and when she got to bed i of course was awake to talk with her. We started sharing affection and the strength that i asked my Father for was given to me. I had prayed he strengthen me in the spirit in any a form he knew would be a benefit to me. So, i used her beads of thirty-three and did some exercise in creative thought building. When the time came that i was about to submit, i was given the words to say. I asked her if she got protection today. She said no, that the pharmacy was closed. Then i told her if we continue on to have sex then my next question will be, “will you marry me.” She looked up at me with those soft brown eyes with a touch of bewilderment and said, “what?” I explained and said if we run the risk of bringing a child into this world then i want us to be married and i know that she does not want to get married. She replied,”i am not sure.” I of course said, “that is interesting”, i said it twice and a third time this morning. I will see if she is willing to give me three months in Turkey and then be willing to give me three months in the states and then she can take time to think about it.

After having thoughts like these all day i put up my map on the wall in the bedroom as i did in Akko. Sevgilim saw it when she came in and said, “Good Richard.” Then we talked about what i had been thinking about and what i talked about with Charlie, who works with Elias at the Annabel Hostel in Athens. Legal marriage was mentioned but that was just to be a thought for us to be together with more ease. If we wish to be together with each other for the remainder of the while. She said, with utmost belief, that she was not marrying for a visa and now thinking about it with any more reason but a future that maybe my path or not. Whatever my Father willith. Not needing to be married if we still wish to see the other areas. Six months in the US with trips to Mexico, and Canada and the same for Turkey with Greece, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Balkans, and Europe. She will need to have proof of Insurance, that she is not coming to the US to stay. It may help if Ci or someone comes with her. We have decided that i will stay here for my three months and then return back to the states without her. She shall come later, not wanting to be there for my return back to my family, with too much new at once for them. So, she will be coming soon after.

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