How has my GOD not blessed me? In no way i can see that he has not. I am on the bus bound again for Istanbul, just a bit left over from giving to Mowad and it will get me to Istanbul and my Father is blessing me with his angels. Upon arriving in Piraeus i began a conversation with the man i had been sitting next to. He took me to the metro, bought me bread, as well as a ticket to Omonia Square and we had a wonderful talk until parting. Then i returned to Annabel Hostel and saw my friend Elias. He made me coffee, we talked, he called about the bus to Istanbul, got the price and gave me a map with directions. Then i went to the market and bought olives and dates. When i returned he had bought for me bread, beans, fruit, sprouts, and much more.

GOD has blessed me with them and so i ask GOD to bless them for helping his servant. I have one need and that need is my Father.

Surely the uneducated, for reason of eternal oppression, can/will not be lost because they are innocent of their blindness. These people are blind but they LOVE. Elias makes little money but he gave me the food from his mouth. It was these who have been abused by rulers and governments both state and church. But the blind shall go with the blind. But as for Elias, he sees and knows of the Christ for he gave to me, who has little need. So, he shall indeed receive his reward from my Father.

“Freedom Rock in the Market Place.” – said an Englishman to a person from the US when he was unable to decide the better of two evils in a Presidential Election. Another question to ask instead is why these people wish to be governed?

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